Inside Corval

Hiring Details and Manager

The following videos will take you on a deeper dive inside the heart of the Corval Platform.

To see the Objectives Roadmap and Activity Roadmap, click here.

To see the Budget Summary and Budget by Category Reports, click here.

Introduction to the Hiring Details

Let’s begin our tour of the Corval platform.

The Hiring Details page displays the annual costs for each hire, categorized by business function.

You’ll find headcount numbers throughout the grid. This head count in the turquoise bubble under each year shows you the number of new hires for this year. The navy bubble shows you the total head count for this year, including new hires and existing hires.

Rows display the annual cost for each hire type. If a cell contains a head count, it signifies the number of…

Introduction to the Hiring Manager

The Hiring Manager page allows you to view and edit your hires. Hires are organized by business function. Use the menu to the left to navigate through Corval’s six business functions and view the different hires.

This is a hire type card. Each one has the hire type name, the manager of the hire, the hire’s description, the utilization or allocation of the hire, the yearly compensation and the time period in which the hire will actively be working on this project…

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